At the moment, ASQA’s web portal is limited to providing online VET application services for applicant and existing RTOs.
ASQA is currently finalising the development of its new asqanet web portal, which will provide a number of enhanced and new services when it is released in August, with additional services being added later in the year.
When released, the new asqanet will provide services for:
- lodging online VET and CRICOS applications, including applications for reconsideration and reassessment; and online payments
- removing RTO scope without lodging an application
- notifying ASQA of material changes or events to RTOs or CRICOS providers
- accessing, authorising and managing user accounts to RTO and CRICOS provider information
- reviewing and updating RTO and CRICOS provider details without submitting a form.
All existing users of ASQA’s web portal will need to register to use the new asqanet. This process is to ensure that your corporate information remains secure and confidential. RTOs will be notified in advance before the requirement comes into place.
When the new asqanet is available, there will be a restriction on the number of users that can access the web portal at same time. This is to ensure performance is not affected by all ASQA RTOs and CRICOS providers registering to explore the new web portal on day one. If the maximum number of users are already on the web portal when you attempt to register or login, you will receive a message to try again later.
We will be issuing more information about the new asqanet in the coming weeks, so please ensure your RTO’s details are up to date to make sure you receive this important information.